Where Can I Buy Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer
Pabst Blue Ribbon Non-Alcoholic
Pabst Brewing Company
Look | Smell | Taste | Feel | Overall |
- Recent
look: 2.75 | smell: 2.75 | taste: 2.75 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.5
by md3kcn from North Carolina
Purchased for $.75 at a garage sale. Poured into a nonic pint glass.
L - Clear goldenrod with a one-finger off-white head.
S - Corn flakes and wet hay. A little floral sweetness, but not much.
T - Flavor follows nose exactly. On the sweeter side, but fairly balanced!
F - Extremely drinkable. Medium-light body with a good deal of carbonation. If beer-flavored seltzer existed, this brew would be exactly that.
O - Surprisingly not bad! Not much going on aside from the usual macro flavors, but it's almost like it's better than the "real" PBR. I wouldn't purchase it again, but I also wouldn't turn one down. I recommend giving it a try at least once.
Oct 16, 2021
look: 3.75 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.25
by brother_rebus from Maine
Shocked at how drinkable and non-metallic / off-putting this is. Pabst Blue Ribbon is an absolutely abysmal beer, so I was expecting to be suckin pennies. But this is actually better tasting than the trad stuff. Not bad. Cheap too.
Feb 07, 2021
look: 3.75 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 3
by dbrauneis from North Carolina
A: Pours a crystal clear pale yellow in color with moderate amounts of active visible carbonation rising from the bottom of the glass and faint pale golden yellow + straw yellow colored highlights. The beer has a three finger tall sudsy foamy bright white head that reduces to a large patch of half finger thick film covering the entire surface of the beer with a thick ring at the edges of the glass. Significant amounts of lacing are observed.
S: Moderate aromas of cereal grain + bready malts with slightly stronger aromas of corn adjuncts and corn adjunct sweetness. Minimal aromas of grassy hops.
T: Upfront there are light flavors of cereal grain + bready malts with slightly stronger aromas of corn adjuncts and corn adjunct sweetness. That is followed by extremely light flavors of grassy hops with a just shy of light amount of bitterness which does not linger for long.
M: Very light bodied with moderate amounts of carbonation. Thin/watery with a clean finish.
O: Easy to drink with minimal amounts of alcohol and an extremely light mouthfeel. Enjoyable and definitely reminds me of the time when NA beers were first arriving on the scene. Not sure I would grab it again but I rarely have the need to have NA beer on hand, if I did I would consider it for future purchase.
Jul 15, 2019
look: 3 | smell: 3 | taste: 2.75 | feel: 2.25 | overall: 2.75
by puboflyons from New Hampshire
From the 12 fl. oz. can with an Aug 19 expiration date. Sampled May 3, 2019.
It presents a clear golden-yellow appearance with a boisterous. foamy white head that fades slowly. It looks like a lager.
The aroma almost reminds me of walking into a brewery with the cooking wort aroma that permeates everything. A breaded malt presence and a slight floral hop presence.
Thin, watery body as anticipated.
I don't want to call the taste sweet but I do want to comment on this yeasty and bready malt presence, It ends clean and crisp. For a N/A, it is decent.
May 03, 2019
look: 4 | smell: 2.75 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
by Skywave from Oklahoma
Rating against style description. So for a non-Alcoholic brew this is how it stacks up.
Can dated Aug 2019. Pours to two finger head that falls to permanent 1/8 inch layer and laces a bit. Clear light straw color.
Smells like a typical NA lager. This one leans heavily on the wet breakfast cereal and grass, Not the best smell, marginally tolerable for style.
/Clean, crisp and balanced. There is more going on here than in O'Doul's. I am all the getting the grain and hop character of original PBR but--as one expects--without the smoothness and cohesion the alcohol provides. Dry and crisp and does not build up a weird aftertaste for trying too hard. Good job on the flavor.
Light and bubbly, not astringent. a bit rough due to the absence of alcohol.
Most resembles my earliest recollections of drinking "near-beer" for the first time. Old-school adjunct lager flavor with all the artifacts resulting from removing or omitting the alcohol. Decent flavor and only 8 bucks for a 12 pack at the OKC WinCo foods. I would buy this again.
Also watch out for the White Box. That is the Pabst NA or "Non-Alc" as it is now called. The can does not look anything like the one pictured here. It looks like an all -silver and white version of the regular PBR label. I assume it is the same product.
Apr 22, 2019
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
by Caveworm from Ohio
Pabst Non-Alcoholic - Pabst Brewing Company. Poured from the can into a pint glass, this beer has a 2 finger thick white head, with spotty lacing, and a clear light golden body.
Smells like corn, buckwheat, sorghum, and a tad bit of esters.
I taste mostly apple cider with a faint corn profile midway through. This is way better than the scent indicated for yours truly.
The mouthfeel here is light,clean, and crisp.
Overall, I'll give Pabst Non-Alcoholic - Pabst Brewing Company a solid 4.
Jan 21, 2016
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
by nicholas2121 from Ohio
Pabst Non-Alcoholic brewed by Pabst Brewing Company, with an ABV of 0.50% This brew pours out a golden amber color with a nice white head. The head to this brew goes away fast. This brew has the look of most american style brew on the market. Not saying that is a a bad thing. The smell Pabst Non-Alcoholic, is rich with Corn, grins and malts. You do pick up on a hit of hops in the smell of this brew. Now for the taste., it is mild with the taste of corn. There are some other grains and hops in the taste of this brew. There is nothing overpowering about this brew, it has a nice smooth balance to it. This brew puts yu in the mind of Non-Alcoholic brew. Not much to write home about, however it is what it is. The mouthfeel is rich, bold and smooth. This is a fine drinking brew. Overall I'm giving Pabst Non-Alcoholic a 3 out of 5. For what it is worth this is a non Alcoholic brew. I would buy this brew again. Pabst Brewing Company, did a nice job with this one.
Dec 23, 2015
look: 2 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 4
by tone77 from Pennsylvania
Poured from a 12 oz. can. Has a very pale yellow color with a 1/2 inch head. Smell is mild, some notes of corn. Taste is also mild, again some corn, a touch of sweetness. Fells light in the mouth and is highly drinkable. Overall there is nothing special about this beer.
Sep 12, 2010
look: 2.5 | smell: 2 | taste: 3 | feel: 2 | overall: 2.5
by woodychandler from Pennsylvania
Non-Alcoholic (N-A or NA) beer in a CAN!?! The CANQuest (tm) never envisioned such a turn of events and yet, here we go!
Right off the bat, this one really got my panties in a twist! I cracked the CAN and beer began to foam and spray everywhere. Grrr. I JUST took the sixer out of the cooler of my local, just steps out my back door. Neither I nor my neighbor, the owner, shook the friggin' thing, so what's the report, boys, what's the report?
After things (and I) calmed down, my pour generated a finger of rocky, bone-white head that held in and even created some lacing as it slowly fell. Color was a pale lemon-yellow with NE-quality clarity. Nose had an adjunct lager sweetness, kind of malty, but with odd notes accompanying the basic smell. No metallic odors, however, for you CAN scoffers. Mouthfeel was thin, not watery, but nowhere medium. The taste was utterly innocuous. I was reminded of the time that I reviewed Michelob Ultra, it was equally tasteless. The finish had a mild sweetness that was reminiscent of an AmeriCAN Adjunct Lager, just more watered down. I am not wasting cooler space on NA beer, but this was not bad, just kind of bland.
May 29, 2010
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
by WVbeergeek from West Virginia
No way if there were ever an oxymoron, it's gotta be Pabst N.A. Those green cans stand so proud at 2.99 a six I had to do it. Pours a fizzy yellow with a nice bright white head, so far just like every other American Light lager out there. Aroma is full of cooked veggies and a nice sweet cereal note. Even a mild herbal hop grassiness in the very far background. Clean crisp malt and cooked veggie sweetness going on with a semi dry hop twang in the finishing keeping it really balanced, a bit watery but there's not much alcohol only a 1/2 percent by volume. I will have to get an O'Doul's amber and regular to compare because this is the best non alcoholic brew I have ever tried including the Heineken and Guinness versions. Drinkability is solid refreshing and fulfills the beer cravings after exercising or mowing the grass. Not an option I would go for regularly but one that I definitely enjoy for what it is.
Sep 18, 2009
look: 3 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 3.5
by Bierliebhaber7 from Maryland
Spending some time with non-drinkers, though they do enjoy a non-alcoholic brew now and then. (And I thought I had left the tea-totalling behind me.) Bottom line: Surprisingly drinkable. Nice head retention (OK, so it lasted longer than I expected it to anyway); but I was seriously impressed with the fact that it tasted like beer. Some NAs taste like corn water or hops soda. This was a nice, beer-flavored departure. Rather colorless yellow, a bit of hops in the nose and a smooth, if a bit watery flavor. Very faint hops bitterness in the aftertaste, but that's all. No metallic taste, no weird veggie flavors, and... well, I guess when you start rating a beer by what it is NOT, it's time to stop. Easily my favorite domestic (e.g., macro) NA.
Sep 23, 2007
look: 2.5 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 2 | overall: 2.5
by shererjt from Texas
Poured a clear, very light yellow with a fair amount of effervescence and a surprisingly good white head. Aroma was adjunct-y but with a bit of hop presence, which you don't usually get in this style. Smelled like beer. Not good beer, but beer. Body was quite thin but the flavor was not bad at all. Tasted quite similar to a light American lager. Could have used a bit more flavor and body, but I have to say it wasn't bad. I dinged it a bit on the mouthfeel but its drinkability was decent.
A nice--if underpowered--N/A beer.
Apr 08, 2006
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5
by RBorsato from Virginia
Clear light yellow with a decent white head, good active carbonation, and some lace. Light adjunct and lightly fruity aroma and flavor. A bit less of an all corn character than O'Douls. Light-medium bodied and suprisingly smooth for a Pabst and an N/A.
Could very well be my second favorite N/A so far...
Per can: 58 cal., 12.1 g carb, 0.4g prot, 0 fat.
($4.49 / 6-pack)
Feb 02, 2006
look: 2.5 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 2.5
by Ricochet from Ohio
Continuing my quest for the great NA for no apparent reason, I tried a six of this. It was better than the cheapest, but lower than OM NA which is my current favorite NA, but this beer is a marginal second.
Light in appearence, smell is a little stale. Mouth is thin and taste? There is a lot of corn flavor, not as sweet as OM and is okay.
Drinkability is below average, but when all is said and done, this is a little less tasty than OM but will do when OM is not available, just like the Busch NA.
Jan 09, 2005
look: 1.5 | smell: 1.5 | taste: 1.5 | feel: 1 | overall: 2
by Zorro from California
Pours a clear pale yellow.
Smell is corny, basically Cornflakes in water smell, not bad smelling, just doesn't smell like beer.
Taste is sweet Cornflake flavor, not offensive just weird.
Mouthfeel is thin really thin.
Drinkability? This is basically "Cornflake cola" if you like that sort of thing then this is for you.
May 18, 2004
look: 2.5 | smell: 1.5 | taste: 1.5 | feel: 1.5 | overall: 1.5
by elmocoso from Nebraska
Wow! this is the least flavorful beer i have EVER tasted. It blows my mind, man. Serously, it is like a mild tonic water. The nose is also not to be found. A little clinging lace, yes, i am as suprised as you. It looks like a beer. that is as far as i can take it. I am giving it 1.5's across the board (besides appearance) only because it is not offensive, there are no "flavor crystals" floating around in it, It is yellow,not brown like sewer. It is serously just wonder bread, but with just the crust, nothing inside. Beware!
Jul 21, 2003
look: 1.5 | smell: 2 | taste: 2 | feel: 1.5 | overall: 2
by AtLagerHeads from Ohio
Available from the tub so why not give it a shot? Here's why: thin, light, watery body. No real head on top of the palest of yellow body. No lacing. The nose is largely non-existent and gives off adjunct sense. Virtually no taste - sweetened corn water.
May 26, 2003
look: 1.5 | smell: 1.5 | taste: 2 | feel: 2 | overall: 2
by ThePostmaster from Minnesota
Pours weak, almost no head. Taste is smooth, yet very weak and watered down. Finish is sweet and dry. A very flavorless brew. Very little hoppiness or malt. Mostly it tastes like grass and corn. I didn't care for this and don't recomment it. I think next time I want a N/A brew I'll try O'douls.
Feb 16, 2003
Source: https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/447/8589/