Please Remember Anything Lower Than 5 Stars Is a Bad Review

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Resolution In Progress Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: March 31, 2022

Some who are assigned to work in Wells Fargo Mortgage/Refinance Department lack empathy or business concern for humankind. It doesn't take much to be fair and diplomatic. Humility is preferred in a world that has go increasingly impersonal, robotic, and unwavering. People are people with varying degrees or needs. When you have worked a lifetime and you take reached your golden years, you lot seek out consideration from sources that can/ should help you in a time of need. I do non feel that was the example with Wells Fargo. Do non abuse the hand that feeds you lot. If information technology were not for members/customers of the bank, Wells Fargo would get under. I take read and seen considerable commentary from others who are non pleased and who take spoken out most mistreatment and unfairness. Look at the people you hire.

Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: Dec. 28, 2021

Absolutely terrible. Afterwards my mom passed away last summer, they take fabricated it VERY hard for my Dad to assume payments fifty-fifty though we've sent them copies of her will. I spent four months on the phone with them to no avail. They shared the home together but the loan was in her proper name. He's able to brand payments now but they will not discuss any business relationship details with him on the phone. What?! No compassion and/or poor organisation. Someone should not have to spring through hoops later on losing a loved i. Very disappointing. Borderline despicable.

Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: Dec. 27, 2021

The entire process was disorganized, dragged out, and regretted! They requested the same documents over and over, fabricated me pay $700 for an appraisement, demanded P&L statements... and in the end I was denied based on info they had from the kickoff week. Don't go downwardly the Wells Fargo road. Beware.

Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: Dec. 17, 2021

Ownership a home with Wells Fargo was the worst experience of my life. This is the quaternary time I've purchased a home and this visitor does everything in its power to make it difficult for the buyer. Communication is nonexistent if the heir-apparent needs help and borders on harassment if WF needs info for themselves. Due to a last minute requirement on my loan (due to storms in the area - no damage to property) and extreme lack of communication or follow up, four families are stalled in their closing/moving process and my own family is now homeless. BUYER BEWARE!! Do non apply Wells Fargo for your mortgage needs!!!!

Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: December. 14, 2021

Three times the mortgage department has taken out actress flood insurance "on my behalf" even though my current flood insurance is maxed out. This time they say they are canceling my alluvion insurance escrow collection. I'one thousand out! Refinancing at a unlike lender.

Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: October. 29, 2021

Wells Fargo is past far the worse mortgage company I have e'er dealt with. We applied for a mortgage on May 25 and could never get it closed. Past September ten we were so sick of dealing with them, we finally went with some other lender. The new lender got done in 7 (aye, 7) days what WF could not do in almost iv months. WF asked for the same documents repeatedly. They asked for documents on Fri at 4:50 and our loan was scheduled to close that following Mon. WF sent us a delivery alphabetic character dated August 20 that had an expiration date of August 15. Our first loan processor was so unresponsive nosotros were assigned to another after 1 calendar month.

From the starting time, nosotros fabricated sure our new processor knew the schedule of selling our abode and the purchase of the new habitation. We already had a closing date set up, which was not met. In the end, we incurred expenses totaling well-nigh $3,000 due to WF's disability to honor own mortgage request. We asked for reimbursement for these expenses and WF refused. This story goes on and on and on. I had been a client of WF for about 40 years, my married man, too. Nosotros take considerable assets, stellar credit scores, no late payments ever, no bounced checks and this is how we were treated. I am in the procedure of closing all accounts with WF and will never do business with them again. I wish I could give them less than one star. Please recall once more if y'all're considering Wells Fargo, they are worse than atrocious!

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Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: October. xvi, 2021

I bought my firm in 2012 through my realtor Sibcy Kline who was quite marvelous to go to a higher place and beyond to brand the feel seamless and painless. They selected my lender (Wells Fargo) and appraisal visitor and title visitor, etc. Fast forrad to 2016, I decided to refinance because I wanted to get rid of my PMI and shorten my loan term, and I figured that information technology would be easier to use my aforementioned lender (Wells Fargo). I was able to get rid of my PMI and the process wasn't also bad.

Still, I am extremely disappointed that at present in 2021, later existence a client of 9 years, they don't accept the slightest intendance when dealing with customers. I was going to refinance again, to take reward of the lower rates in the marketplace, and I got approved and my endmost engagement came and there were inconsistencies in the paperwork, so I did not sign. I did try to get a hold of my loan officer to no avail and when I spoke to some other Wells Fargo representative, he said he would let my loan officer know and call me back because plain he was the only one who could set my paperwork.

This has started a nightmarish hell calendar week for me, in which different Wells Fargo representatives call me and ask me to repeat myself every unmarried time and promise resolution that they don't evangelize. The last two times, I noticed a hostility tone in the Wells Fargo representatives who called me. They seemed bellyaching that I ask too many questions and that I am not appeased past them passing me around like a hot white potato.

The concluding person I talked to, my loan officer's manager, just straight up told me that they won't correct the documents and I simply accept to sign them every bit is and simply take her word that the documents don't mean what they are saying. Instead of showing me factual evidence to support their claims, they want me to all the legwork myself "for my peace of listen" as they are quite insistent that they are on the right and nix I say or uncover will brand them correct the documents that they desire me to sign.

I am to the signal that I just either won't refinance at all, refinance with someone else, or pay this loan off not to deal with this kind of nonsense again. I think it'south best to go to a local role of any depository financial institution or any brick and mortar financial institution and have a human to talk to face to face, than dealing with the army of Wells Fargo representatives by e-mail and telephone who you cannot reach when it counts.

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Resolution In Progress Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: Oct. 7, 2021

I have had a mortgage with them for some time and went to refinance since the rates were much lower now. Later on 4 months of endless paperwork, escalating my account and "we are working on information technology", I finally stopped the process. This toll me $500 in fees. I went through Commonfund Mortgage got a amend rate and with less hassle and paperwork. The whole procedure took a calendar month and a half. Who ends upwardly buying the mortgage but Wells Fargo. Go elsewhere for your refinancing needs.

Resolution In Progress Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: October. 5, 2021

Have carried WF equally my mortgage holder for years.. no problem. Started refinance process with a credit score over 800. Six weeks afterward, twenty v documents and three days from closing they wanted information they already had. I told them to "pound sand". Fast forward three weeks..I close on my current loan tomorrow with a lower interest charge per unit, lower payments and no one asked intrusive questions. Like shooting fish in a barrel. Wells Fargo not so much.

Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: Sept. 29, 2021

Wells Fargo Mortgage recently bought my mortgage loans from Summit Financial Funding. During the grade of home buying, Summit Financial did inform me that I can make a request to handle the escrow by myself afterward the house is closed and once my mortgage gets sold to a new firm. Now the new firm, Wells Fargo would simply non accept my asking. They are bringing in new terms and conditions to essentially concur my escrow money, while I lose the opportunity to make diligent investments with my money and pay the taxes and insurance by myself. Personally, very poor experience with Wells Fargo. I would request consumers to avoid doing whatever business with Wells Fargo, if possible.


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